Public Rights of Way

Footpaths and Bridleways in the Parish
The Parish has some lovely footpaths and bridleways, which are open to everyone all year, please find time to enjoy the views, nature and environment in the Parish.
- The map below is designed to be downloaded and is best viewed at 200%, this will give the equivalent of a 1:25000 scale map.
- Remember to follow the Countyside Code at all times.
- The existence of a road, track or other route is not evidence of public access.
If you find a footpath or bridleway blocked or hindered in some way, please contact Wiltshire Council
For maintenance issues on rights of way and other highways please report online using My Wiltshire
Telephone: 0300 456 0100
For more information on Public Rights of Way, please visit Wiltshire Councils Rights of Way, which also has links to the County Definitive Maps for all rights of ways